Dr. Niamh O’Connell
Speciality: Haematology (Coagulation)
Sub specialities: Haemostasis and thrombosis, haemophilia and bleeding diroders, thrombotic conditions
Secretary: Sinead O’ Reilly
Clinic Times:
Telephone: 0877941447
Fax: (01) 4162568
Email: niamhoconnellprivate@stjames.ie
Professional Profile
Prof. Niamh O’Connell is a Consultant Haematologist at the National Coagulation Centre (NCC), St. James’s Hospital, Dublin, Ireland and is in the role of National Haemophilia Director since early 2018. She was appointed as Clinical Professor in Trinity College Dublin in 2022. The NCC is the lead comprehensive care centre for adults with bleeding disorders in Ireland and provides a hub of clinical services, research, training and education on a national basis. The NCC, in partnership with the Irish Haemophilia Society, is committed to delivering high quality and safe healthcare and to promoting healthy and successful living for people and their families living with Haemophilia and other coagulation disorders. As a member of the National Haemophilia Council, Prof. O’Connell is responsible for oversight and governance of the quality of care and services provided for people with bleeding disorders nationally. Prof. O’Connell and the Consultant team in the NCC also provide specialist diagnostic and treatment services for thrombotic conditions including Obstetric and Cancer associated thrombosis and provide Consultant clinical input to the National Coagulation Laboratory at St. James’s Hospital.